Professor Oleg Gasparyan graduated from Yerevan Polytechnic Institute (Faculty of Electrical Engineering) in 1970 and received the degrees of Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD) and Doctor of Technical Sciences from Moscow Aviation Institute in 1976 and 1986, respectively.
For more than 20 years he worked in the Defence Industry of the former USSR in the field of aerospace engineering. In particular, he participated in the development and manufacture of precise tracking systems for space astronomical telescopes “Astron” (launched in 1983), “Glazar-1” (1987), “Glazar-2” (1990) (both mounted on the space station “MIR”), as well as in the design of some other special-purpose pointing systems of space telescopes.
From 2006 till 2024 he was elected as Head of Control Systems Chair at National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA). Since 2017 he is Director of Aerial Robotics Centre at the NPUA. He was the supervisor of more than 20 PhD students and is the author of eight monographs on multivariable feedback control.
He was awarded with two national prizes of Republic of Armenia: “The Republic of Armenia National Prize for Science and Engineering” (1986) and “President of the Republic of Armenia Prize in the field of Technical Sciences & Information Technologies” (2012).
The sphere of his scientific interests covers robotics and mechatronics, control of UAVs, autonomous guidance systems of orbital telescopes, methods of structural improvement of tracking system accuracy, iterational and invariant control systems, adaptive and robust control, multivariable feedback control (including absolute stability, self- and forced oscillations of nonlinear MIMO systems), computer-aided control system design, etc.
Aerial robotics center at NPUA led by Prof. Oleg Gasparyan

English language books authored by Oleg Gasparyan